Kate Hudson Leads Netflix's Game-Changing Basketball Comedy Series
Kate Hudson stars as Isla Gordon, an unexpected leader thrust into the presidency of the LA Waves basketball team following family scandal. The star-studded series promises to blend comedy with high-stakes sports management when it debuts February 27.
Kurt Russell's Touching Adoption Offer: Oliver Hudson Reveals Why He and Kate Said No
Actor Oliver Hudson shares the emotional story of why he and sister Kate declined Kurt Russell's offer of legal adoption during their childhood. Despite refusing formal adoption, Hudson credits Russell, his mother Goldie Hawn's longtime partner, for raising him and shaping the man he became.
Sting and Jennifer Hudson Join 'The Voice' as Dual Mega Mentors
Music legends Sting and Jennifer Hudson are set to make history as the first-ever dual mega mentors on 'The Voice' Season 26. The pair will guide contestants through intense three-way Knockouts, bringing their expertise to teams led by coaches including Snoop Dogg and Gwen Stefani.