As "Sesame Street" celebrates its 55th anniversary, the beloved children's show continues to captivate audiences across generations. While the program's primary focus remains on educating young viewers, its impact has expanded far beyond its original scope, reaching adults through social media platforms and providing comfort in an increasingly complex world.
Adapting to the Digital Age
Aaron Bisman, SVP of Marketing and Audience Development for Sesame Street, emphasizes the unique position of the brand in today's digital landscape. "It's such a privilege and a rare opportunity to have a 55-year-old brand that is also this active on social," Bisman tells PEOPLE.
The show's social media presence has become a source of joy and nostalgia for adult viewers. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram feature Elmo and other characters sharing positive affirmations and reminders to practice self-care, resonating with audiences of all ages.
Maintaining Educational Focus
Despite its evolution, Sesame Street remains true to its core mission. "Our focus is helping children grow smarter, stronger and kinder," Bisman explains. The show's social media strategy extends this educational approach to adult viewers, applying the same curricular focus used in the show's production to create content that engages and supports grown-ups.
Embracing Humor and Nostalgia
The social media team has skillfully tapped into the show's rich history, reviving classic moments that appeal to long-time fans. One example is the resurgence of Elmo's infamous rivalry with Rocco the rock, which went viral in 2022. This blend of nostalgia and humor has helped maintain the show's relevance across generations.
Addressing Emotional Well-being
Sesame Street's impact extends beyond entertainment and education. The brand has recognized the importance of emotional well-being, particularly in today's fast-paced world. Bisman notes that the show's website offers numerous resources focused on emotional well-being, accessible to viewers of all ages.
Meeting Ongoing Needs
As the world continues to change rapidly, Bisman believes that "the need for Sesame Street has never been greater." The show's ability to adapt while maintaining its core values allows it to address contemporary challenges faced by both children and adults.
After 55 years, Sesame Street remains a beacon of education, entertainment, and emotional support. Its evolution into the digital space has allowed it to reach new audiences while continuing to serve its original mission. As Bisman puts it, "The opportunity to contribute to efforts, to continue to reach so that we can teach is just incredibly rewarding."