In a candid revelation from beyond the grave, beloved actor and comedian Paul Reubens, famously known as Pee-wee Herman, came out as gay in a new documentary that premiered at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival. The HBO docuseries "Pee-wee as Himself" shares intimate details about Reubens' private life that he kept hidden throughout his illustrious career.
Before his rise to fame as Pee-wee Herman, Reubens was in a relationship with a man named Guy from Echo Park, Los Angeles. This relationship notably influenced some of Pee-wee's most memorable catchphrases, including "Mmmm! Chocolatey!" which was inspired by Guy's characteristic way of saying "Mmmm! Buttery!" in a Yoda-like voice.
As his career gained momentum after debuting the Pee-wee character with the Groundlings comedy troupe in 1981, Reubens made the conscious decision to conceal his sexuality. "I was out of the closet, and then, I went back in the closet. I wasn't pursuing the Paul Reubens career; I was pursuing the Pee-wee Herman career," he revealed in the documentary.
The actor disclosed having "many, many secret relationships" throughout his life, choosing to bury his personal life deeper as his professional success grew. His last encounter with Guy was during a hospital visit as his former partner was dying of AIDS.
Reubens passed away on July 30, 2023, at age 70, after a private battle with cancer. The documentary, which explores both his artistic legacy and personal struggles, was completed following his final decision to share his story, recorded just one day before his death.
The docuseries not only addresses Reubens' sexuality but also examines his controversial past and legal troubles, suggesting that media coverage of his legal issues may have been influenced by homophobic bias.
Through this posthumous revelation, Reubens finally shares his complete story with the world, offering insights into the complex relationship between his public persona and private life, while leaving behind a legacy that extends beyond his beloved character Pee-wee Herman.