Former Marvel actor Jack Veal, who portrayed Kid Loki in the Disney+ series "Loki," has disclosed that he is currently homeless and facing severe personal challenges at age 17.
In a heartbreaking TikTok video, the young British actor revealed he is living in a damaged trailer located two hours from his workplace. The trailer lacks basic amenities, including electricity, and has broken windows. Veal carries his essential belongings in a single backpack.
The teen actor opened up about experiencing physical violence and emotional abuse from his family, which led to his current situation. He also shared his struggles with multiple mental health conditions, including autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and psychosis.
Despite reaching out for assistance, Veal stated that social services have been unable to provide help, leaving him to navigate his circumstances alone.
Before his breakthrough role as Kid Loki at age 14, Veal had built a promising career with appearances in notable productions like "Tin Star," "The End of the F***ing World," and "Call the Midwife." However, his acting opportunities have diminished since his Marvel appearance, with only one recent role in Amazon Prime's "The Peripheral."
The revelation has sparked concerns about child actors' welfare and the support systems available to young performers facing personal crises.
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