The beloved "Friends" star Jennifer Aniston opened up about her journey to self-acceptance and positive body image in a recent interview with Allure magazine. At 55, the actress shared refreshing insights about aging gracefully and maintaining a balanced approach to wellness.
"We've got to love our bodies. It's doing the best it can. It's been with us since the day we started, so we can't be too hard on it," Aniston expressed. The actress revealed that her perspective on fitness and self-care has evolved significantly over the years, noting that she didn't truly understand the importance of working out until her 30s and 40s.
While The Morning Show star maintains a healthy relationship with her body, she candidly admitted to struggling with sleep issues. "Sleep and I have a real hard relationship," she shared, particularly over the last 10-15 years. To combat this challenge, Aniston has been working on improving her sleep hygiene, including a commitment to a 10 p.m. bedtime during weekdays.
The Emmy winner advocates for a balanced approach to wellness, following an 80/20 principle: 80% healthy living combined with 20% indulgence. "Go have a martini, go have your pizza and burgers and stay up late with your friends. There's a balance," she advised.
Addressing aging, Aniston maintains a refreshingly positive outlook. "We are still here. What's the alternative?" she remarked, emphasizing the importance of approaching aging with gratitude rather than resistance. She acknowledged society's pressures regarding age but chooses to focus on thriving rather than conforming to expectations.
The actress's philosophy extends beyond physical health to mental well-being. "I'm a big believer in trying not to be hard on yourself because the world is so mean right now and so aggressive and negative. So why would we do it to ourselves?" she reflected, encouraging others to practice self-compassion in an often-judgmental world.