Tom Baker, the beloved actor who portrayed the Fourth Doctor in the iconic science fiction series "Doctor Who," has been awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in King Charles III's 2025 New Year Honours list for his services to television.
Baker, who resides in Maidstone, held the role of the Time Lord from 1974 to 1981, making him the longest-serving Doctor in the show's history. His portrayal of the eccentric time traveler, complete with his trademark long scarf and fedora hat, left an indelible mark on British television and popular culture.
In a recent development, two beloved Doctor Who serials from the Tom Baker era have been taken off BBC iPlayer. The affected stories, "Terror of the Zygons" and "The Seeds of Doom," were part of the show's 13th season and originally aired in 1975 and 1976. Both serials featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor alongside Elisabeth Sladen as his companion, Sarah Jane Smith. Robert Banks Stewart penned the scripts, while Douglas Camfield directed these classic episodes.
The veteran actor joins over 1,000 individuals recognized in this year's Honours list, which celebrates achievements across entertainment, sports, charity work, and public service. Notable recipients include broadcaster Stephen Fry, who receives a knighthood for his charitable work, and acclaimed children's author Jacqueline Wilson, who has been appointed Dame Grand Cross.
The New Year Honours list also recognizes other television personalities, including "Happy Valley" star Sarah Lancashire and "Coronation Street" actress Anne Reid, who both receive CBEs for their contributions to drama.
Baker's MBE acknowledges his enduring impact on British television and his role in shaping one of the country's most successful and longest-running science fiction series. His tenure as the Fourth Doctor remains a golden era for many fans of the show, with his eccentric performance helping establish "Doctor Who" as a cultural institution.
This recognition adds another accolade to Baker's illustrious career, which has spanned several decades and influenced generations of television viewers.