The BBC has released the first images from its upcoming crime drama series "This City is Ours," featuring acclaimed actor Sean Bean in a leading role as gang leader Ronnie Phelan.
The eight-part series, filmed in Liverpool and Spain, follows Michael Kavanagh (James Nelson-Joyce), a career criminal working under his longtime friend and crime boss Ronnie. As Ronnie contemplates retirement, Michael begins to envision a different life after falling in love with Diana Williams (Hannah Onslow).
The story unfolds against the backdrop of a crumbling criminal empire when a cocaine shipment from Colombia goes missing. Tensions escalate as Ronnie's son Jamie (Jack McMullen) attempts to claim his inheritance within the organization, threatening Michael's position and forcing him to fight for both control of the gang and protection of his newfound love.
The stellar cast includes Julie Graham as Elaine Phelan, Laura Aikman, Kevin Harvey, and Saoirse-Monica Jackson. The series is created by Stephen Butchard, known for "The Good Mothers" and "The Last Kingdom," with direction from BAFTA winner Saul Dibb alongside John Hayes and Eshref Reybrouck.
Left Bank Pictures produces the drama for BBC One and BBC iPlayer, with Sony Pictures Television handling international distribution. The series explores themes of family, power, and love corrupted by ambition and greed.
"This City is Ours" is scheduled to premiere on BBC iPlayer and BBC One in Spring 2024.