Award-winning actor Ralph Fiennes has shared his wish to collaborate on film with his younger brother Joseph Fiennes, praising him as "a brilliant actor" while jokingly noting that his sibling is "far too handsome."
In a recent interview with PEOPLE magazine during a "My Life in Pictures" segment, the 62-year-old Schindler's List star expressed his hope for a future joint project with Joseph, 54, known for his roles in Shakespeare in Love and The Handmaid's Tale. "One day, I hope we do a film together," Ralph said, adding that he'd prefer if their eventual collaboration wasn't too serious in nature.
The brothers come from a remarkably creative family, with most of their siblings working in various artistic fields. Their sister Martha is a film director, Sophie pursues directing documentaries, and Magnus works as a composer and record producer. The family's artistic connections have already led to collaborations, most notably in the 1999 film Onegin, directed by Martha and starring Ralph.
During the interview, Ralph reminisced about their childhood, sharing a family photo from 1972 showing him with five of his six siblings outside their Southern England home. He recalled their father's voice directing them during the photo session, offering a glimpse into their early family life.
The actor also shared a touching memory about their mother's influence on the family's creative pursuits. "My mother, whatever any of her children did, she was encouraging," he remembered, noting that she always pushed them to be thorough and tenacious in their endeavors.
While discussing a 2005 photo of himself and Joseph at an afterparty, Ralph humorously commented on his brother trying to escape his embrace, saying, "He looks like he'd like to get away from my grip." The playful observation highlights the warm relationship between the accomplished acting siblings.