Actor Adam Scott recently shared his entertaining experience participating in the viral Lumon Industries pop-up installation at New York's Grand Central Terminal, offering fans a real-world glimpse into the eerie world of Apple TV+'s hit series "Severance."
Speaking on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Scott described the January 15 marketing event where he and fellow cast members recreated their office environment from the show inside a glass cube. "We were in there for 3 hours," Scott explained, noting that the actors remained fully committed to their roles, never leaving the space during the entire performance.
The pop-up featured Scott alongside co-stars Patricia Arquette, Britt Lower, Zach Cherry, and Tramell Tillman, with director Ben Stiller overseeing the recreation of the show's distinctive green office space. Passersby gathered to watch the cast perform mundane office tasks, creating a meta-commentary on workplace surveillance that mirrors themes from the series itself.
During his Colbert appearance, Scott also discussed filming challenges for Season 2, including an extensive running sequence that took nearly five months to complete. "You gotta get the blade hands, you gotta get the knees up," Scott said, revealing he channeled Tom Cruise's famous running style while filming in a suit and dress shoes.
The marketing stunt preceded the January 17 premiere of "Severance" Season 2, arriving almost three years after the first season's finale. The show continues to explore the story of Lumon employees who undergo a procedure separating their work and personal memories.
Scott mentioned an unexpected detail about the show's impact - his teenage children, previously uninterested in his other projects, now regularly ask him for information about the series, highlighting its broad appeal across generations.