Supernatural 5×04 The End Promo Photos & Episode Description

Seriously, we’d better get The Doors in this episode…

TWO DEAN WINCHESTERS?Sam (Jared Padalecki) tells Dean (Jensen Ackles) he wants to rejoin Dean in the battle of the Apocalypse, but Dean tells Sam that they are better off apart. Later, Dean awakens five years in the future in an abandoned city and is attacked by humans who have been infected with a demonic virus that turns humans into Zombies. Zachariah (guest star Kurt Fuller) appears to Dean and explains that this is the world that exists as a result of Dean saying no to helping the angels fight Lucifer. Dean meets up with Future Dean, who tells him that the virus is the Devil’s endgame for destroying mankind. Misha Collins also stars.

Steve Boyum directed the episode written by Ben Edlund.


First Look: ‘Supernatural’ goes apocalyptic

by Tim Stack

supernatural2_lIn this exclusive First Look from the Oct. 1 episode of The CW’s Supernatural, Dean (Jensen Ackles) finds himself thrust five years into the future, only to discover the world has been ravaged by a disease and inhabited by its zombie-esque victims. But the big revelation is that Dean runs into his future self, now the leader of a resistance camp, which required Ackles to do double the work. Says the star, who’s used to working opposite co-star Jared Padalecki, “The old saying is ‘Acting is reacting.’ I never realized how true it was until I didn’t have anything to react to. I actually ended up using my stunt double just to be the shoulder and the back of the head and he’s not an actor. Poor guy—he gave it his best shot. After every take, he was like, ‘Man, I’m so sorry.’”

Fans will even get a glimpse of the future-version of the much-beloved Chevy Impala, but time has not been kind to Winchester brothers’ ride. “He finds his Impala, which is on cinder blocks and it’s all rusted and it’s been gutted,” explains Ackles. “I’m like, ‘Oh baby what did they do to you?’”