Television critic Alan Sepinwall of The Star Ledger has published a fantastic open letter to the powers that be at NBC in his column today asking the network to save Chuck.
If you haven’t already emailed or sent in your own letter, do it now! This gem of a show is worthy of the time and effort!
Snail mail letters should be sent to:
NBC’s Chuck 3000 W Alameda Ave Burbank, CA 91523
Ben Silverman Co-Chairman 3000 W. Alameda Admin Building Burbank, CA 91523
Angela Bromstad President of Primetime Series 100 Universal City Plaza Bldg 1320, 4th Floor Universal City, CA 91608
For more information on the efforts to save Chuck, visit ChuckTV or Give Me My Remote’s Chuck Vs the Network Pick-up page for the latest. If you haven’t purchased the first season order it today and think about buying a $5 footlong sandwich from Subway next Monday night. Every little bit counts!
Here is the trailer for tonight’s all new episode of CHUCK. Chevy Chase and Scott Bakula are back as Chuck tries to save his dad from Fulcrum….