Keeping up with John Schneider

Posted by: supernatural66  //  Category: Celebrity News, John Schneider

John Schneider has been very busy since he died on Smallville check this interview ( CLICK HERE) with him from last fall where he talks about all of the projects he has been working on.

John’s Own Project- a family film for the Dukes’ fans!

Three more interviews from the last year with John- all talking about his movie Hot Pursuit which he produced and starred in himself.

I love him talking about his kids and the pride he has in their very un-Hollywood achievements. Nice to see a grounded family man who knows the value of education and hard work and is passing those values on.

Trailer for his self-produced movie Collier & Company: Hot Pursuit this is his grown up version of a new Dukes type family flick.

Download the trailer by clicking here

You can buy this movie on Amazon :

John Schneider’s Collier & Co. — Hot Pursuit!

SCI-FI Network Originals

John has completed two movies for the Sci-Fi channel in the past year. Lake Placid 2 has come to DVD recently and is available for sale on Amazon. Lake Placid 2 (Unrated)


His latest endeavor has been the movie Ogre for the SciFI Channel. Check your local listings for showtimes. I enjoyed this flick- it is a cheap knock off in some ways of the M. Night Shamylan movie The Village. Same isolated village stuck in time, buried in the Pennsylvania woods with a deep dark secret. I actually enjoyed Ogre more than I did the much bigger budget Village. It doesn’t try to be anything other than fun entertainment. The Ogre is no kindly Shrek and the effects are not bad. There were plenty of familiar faces for those who watch Thursday nights on the CW. The main female Ogre hunting teen in the woods is the actress who was one of the special psychic kids from Supernatural- Ava. Also seen is the telekinetic killer Max from Supernatural season 1.

Not high drama but fun!