Multipleverses Fall 2009 SciFi TV Viewing Guide

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

By Kate Blake- Editor and Admin

Last week marked the official beginning of the new fall TV season which included some returning favorites and some new faces to the sci-fi and action tv landscape. Here are some of the highlights to date- SPOILER warnings if you haven’t seen the shows mentioned.

Monday Night

Heroes: If you haven’t watched Heroes in a while- you need to add it back to your viewing schedule! This season has started out strong with newcharacters and old ones who are being tied together in a new story arc. Claire is at college dealing with being herself and no longer running. Noah is redefining himself and his role in the Heroes world. He has already helped Tracy reclaim her life. We have Petrelli drama on all fronts with SUPER Peter and Nathan/Sylar. The new story arc with Robert Knepper from Prison Break is intriguing and the powers he and his carnival family wield include some all new ones that are fresh not only to Heroes but TV. I love Samuel’s earth moving powers, the Tattoo lady is still a bit of a mystery, and this week we saw a deaf woman who is seeing sound as colors. Meanwhile Matt Parkman is having a very tough time dealing with Sylar who has taken up residence in his head. Hiro is dying and trying to franchise his heroics and Ando is getting busy with Hiro’s sister. We aren’t quite sure where Mohinder is- he is supposed to return later this season hopefully right in time to save Hiro’s life.


Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth share the SyFy channel Wednesday night block and both shows have been having a great fall with interesting stories and some fun. Watch for the annual Ghost Hunters live all night event on Halloween. I am betting Josh Gates will be on board for the overnight investigation.

Eastwick ABC premiered their new witchy series on Wednesday night and I was pleased that the producers made some edits to the original pilot. The pilot that aired did a nice job of introducing our three main characters and showing glimpses of the dormant powers within that are stirred when they all pitch coins in a fountain at a town celebration. Paul Gross as Darryl Van Horne has the Jack Nicholson sleaze factor down in spades. This week he began the seduction of the women – and the dance continues this week. I like all three female leads with Lindsey Price and her quirky newspaper reporter who suffers from inappropriate verbal incontinence in the presence of the guy she lusts after making me chuckle. Sarah Rue is her BFF who is feeling pushed aside by her friend’s new witchy friends. Rating? Chick flick with a paranormal twist- I will keep watching to see how it develops.


Supernatural: We have talked about the boys here repeatedly and the show just keeps getting better. The ratings have been soft but many of the show’s male viewers have been watching this little thing called football which also airs on Thursday nights…..Just make sure you have it on your DVR list so if it is pre-empted for sports in your market you will catch the showing whenever your local affiliate airs it.

Bones: Week 2 of season 5 had the show back on track with not one but two gross bodies, the team at the Jeffersonian pulling together to make sure that their favorite intern Wendell kept his scholarship , Booth and Bones had some bickering about money and plumbing and ended up with their heads under a sink. The show is back on track and into the groove as Booth is regaining his own personality again after his brain surgery.

Flash Forward: If you missed the premiere you really missed one of the most exciting , intriguing and captivating series premieres that I can remember. Great cast, interesting mystery at the heart of the show, and a very non-sappy set of storylines. Joe Fiennes is a formidable leading man and commands every scene he is in. John Cho is charming and adorable and you really want him to be ok. Sonya Walger is right on point at the loving wife and caring surgeon who is wrecked emotionally by her glimpse of the future. The actor I am looking forward to seeing more of is Jack Davenport whose character is introduced in the last minutes of the pilot. Dominic Monaghan joins the story this week so make sure you catch the pilot and then tune in on Thursday!

The Mentalist: Last season ended with Patrick Jane and the CBI team taking out Red John’s accomplice and latest protege. The series premiered on Thursday in its new time slot on CBS with the team being pulled from the Red John case and Jane getting pissy about it. He and Lisbon go back and forth as they try to solve the case of the week with Jane being his usual sneaky self and getting the job done and finally ending the episode admitting he really has nothing else and it is only a matter of time before they will get the case back.


Smallville: Hey guess what? Smallville moved to Friday night last week with a strong premiere episode with Brian Austin Green guest starring in part 1 of a two episode arc that he is in. Guess what? Post- Doomsday Clark is back in black in full hero mode, Zod is on earth ( and very hot!) and Lois Lane is now the leading lady front and center. Joining the series this year as a semi-regular is Alessandro Juliani ( Gaeta on BSG) as Dr Emil Hamilton who is taking on superhero support duties along with Chloe . Make sure you have Smallville on your DVR – this season is going to be good!

Dollhouse: Did you watch the season premiere? Yeah- me neither and the ratings reflected it. Dollhouse got about the same number of viewers that Smallville did and FOX cannot keep a show on with ratings at CW levels. The Dollhouse deathwatch has begun- the question is how many of their second season episodes will actually air. I have it sitting on my DVD recorder on disk- I probably won’t get around to watching these until next month.

Medium: The DuBois family made their move to CBS seamlessly and didn’t lose any of their viewers helping elevate their lead in Ghost Whisperer for a strong CBS Friday night. If you were worried- Allison has managed to survive the coma she went into after the delayed brain surgery she had in the season 5 finale on NBC. The first episode was a bit subdued with Allison using a cane and not yet fully physically recovered- she is even called “House” in deference to her using a cane. Over the episode her gifts and physical well being return. Next week promises to be exciting as the family is back with mom yelling and poor Ariel seemingly possessed by an unwelcome spirit. I am hoping we will see more with the kids this year as Marie is now in school and verbal and Bridget cracks me up every week.

COMING this week:

Stargate Universe premieres on SyFy on Friday so be sure to set your DVR! You will not want to miss this!

Coming NEXT Week:

Sanctuary : Last season ended with a horrible cliff hanger that had everything in turmoil. The new season promises to be exciting as the show picks up right where it left off last year.

This week on Michal’s DVR: September 26, 2009

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

By Michal

Note: Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I was not able to watch FlashForward yet. However, I hope to have a short write up for the first two episodes next week.

Eastwick – Pilot

I really wish this had been a better pilot. To me, it felt like an occult version of Desperate Housewives complete with the starting voice over. Frequent readers will already know the over use of that plot device is one my major pet peeves. Unfortunately, the episode also featured one of my other personal vexations: glasses to make a stunning woman look dowdy. I don’t know why the plot device annoys me, but it does. Thankfully that character’s friend is played by Sarah Rue, who should have a show of her own again.

I already set up a series recording on my DVR, so I’ll be tuning in for at least another week. I love Paul Gross and own both Due South and Slings & Arrows on DVD, so out of loyalty to him alone I’m in for a number of episodes. I’m not sure if he’s right casting choice for the Devil, but I’m happy to see him on a weekly basis. Plus it’s fun to see Matt Dallas back on my television. I’m still bitter Kyle XY didn’t get a better finale. Anyway, the soundtrack is fun and I like a number of actors involved so we’ll see how next week brings.

Episode Grade: C-

Bones – The Bond in the Boot

The first two episodes of this season have gone a long way to allow me to forgive the end of last season. I didn’t quite follow the case of the week, but I loved the stuff going on with the characters. First of all, Wendell was my favorite of the rotating interns last year and I’m glad they aren’t getting rid of him. I literally wanted to slap Dr. Brennan through my television. At times I really wonder about the writers. I mean she has been interacting with people for the past five seasons and had made great stride, but then they make her socially awkward again. I don’t want to see her completely change, but I’d like to think she would take care with people who matter to her.

The episode could have used a bit more Bones and Booth interaction, but I enjoyed their plumbing adventure at the end. I’m glad Brennan took Sweets advice and had Booth teach her how to make the repair instead of hiring someone. The writers better not let me down. I’d really like to see them as a couple!

Episode Grade: B+

TVD – Friday Night Bites

Finally, it feels like we’re getting somewhere! This episode felt like the first of real development for the series beyond Elena looks like Katherine and that means that Stefan wants to get to know her while Damon wants to use her as a pawn in his century old attempt to make his brother pay. Of course I think there is more to it than that, but that’s the general gist of the situation. I’m a big fan of complicated relationships and this triangle has enough meat to last me for seasons. The Elena and Damon conversation in the kitchen allowed for some great character development. It could just be me, but I think I saw a bit of vulnerability in Damon beyond caressing Elena’s cheek while she slept. At least for a nanosecond I can believe…

I have to admit that the Damon and Elena coupling is growing on me. Also, while I hate humiliating teachers, I found the date-off kind of hot. After the archives comment in the pilot, every time that teacher shows up I find myself waiting for the witty back-and-forth that will follow. It’s too bad he won’t be around anymore.

Episode Grade: B

Fringe – Night of Desirable Objects

Kind of bored by the scorpion/mole child, but as monster of the week episodes it wasn’t the worst. I’m not sure if I’m remembering X-Files with rose-colored glasses, but it felt like they did a better job of mixing the stand alone episodes with the mythology. It seems clunky on Fringe most of the time. I like their mythology episodes, but the monster ones don’t usually work for me.

Also, with Olivia in the hospital last week, we had a lot more time for Walter and Peter. As Alan Sepinwall of the Star Ledger concluded, “the fishing lure scene at the end was nice, but the season premiere was a reminder of how much more interesting the show tends to be when the Bishops are at the forefront and Olivia is off to the side.” Amen!

Episode Grace: C+

Supernatural – Free to be You and Me

I may be in the minority here, but I enjoyed the boys being split up this week. I wouldn’t want it to continue for many episodes, but it was interesting to see them functioning apart. The Dean and Cas comedy hour was beyond amusing. Between the motel room conversation (”Cas, we’ve talked about this…personal space.”), Cas an FBI agent, and Dean taking Cas to a brothel, I laughed quite a bit. Everyone talks about their dramatic chemistry, but they are a great comedy duo as well.

I wasn’t really interested in the Sammy as a busboy storyline, but his dream dealings with Lucifer were interesting. It was awesome to see Jessica again, although it was heartbreaking to watch Sam interact with her.

All in all, I’ve really enjoyed season 5 so far. I’m not completely sold on the “twist” that Sammy is Lucifer’s vessel, but I have faith Kripke and company will make it work. Besides, Dean uttering “Eat it, Twilight” while killing a vampire and referencing Rafael as the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel” made up for some of the boring aspects of the episode.

Episode Grade: B+

Eastwick magazine scan and interviews with Magge Friedman

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Thanks to EastwickFans for the SFX feature about Eastwick

Interviews with showrunner Maggie Friedman:

Paul Gross talks about playing the Devil

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Thanks to Eastwick-Fans for this awesome article with Paul Gross talking about stepping out of his role as the perpetual good guy and playing the devil on Eastwick. Click to view full size

More Witches of Eastwick Cast Promo Photos

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Courtesy of Andreas on LJ and ABC Studios

Eastwick stars at ABC Summer Press Tour

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

Rebecca Romijn, Lindsay Price , Jaime Ray Newman , Paul Grosse and Sara Rue were promoting their new series Eastwick yesterday at the ABC Summer Press Tour. We have photos to share. Watch the premiere of Eastwick on ABC at 10 PM EST on Wednesday Sept 23, 2009.

Additional photos from the event will be posted in our forums HERE.

Eastwick at Comic Con

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Eastwick at Comic Con

Clips from the panel and interviews with the cast at the photocall after the panel with Rebecca Romijn, Jaime Ray Newman, Lindsay Price and Paul Gross.

Rebecca Romijn

Jaime Ray Newman

Paul Gross talks about playing the devil Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Photocall videos with the ladies Clip 1, Clip 2, Clip 3, Clip 4, Clip 5,Clip 6

Photos from the TV Guide Hot List Panel at Comic Con

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

Actress Rebecca Romijn writers Scott Peters, Allison DuBois, Kevin Williamson, actors Scott Wolf, Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, John Cho and Zachary Levi pose at TV Guide Comic-con Panel during Comic-Con 2009 held at San Diego Convention Center on July 24, 2009 in San Diego, California.

Eastwick- extended trailer and sneak peek

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

I had the chance to watch the initial screener pilot for Eastwick and it has whet my appetite for the new series coming this fall to ABC.  The casting is good and I like what they have as a foundation for the show. If you haven’t seen the original movie The Witches of Eastwick you will not feel like you are missing anything. The series by nature of being a series and not a 90 minute film will be following three women in a magical town in New England. Weird stuff happens. I am hoping we will get more new before too long and some more news about the story arcs for the first season. In the meantime- here is an extended trailer for the series. It gives more context to the series than the previous ones. Rebecca Romijn is definitely the star and this role suits her very well.

Eastwick Trailer

Monday, May 25th, 2009

HEre is an actual trailer for Eastwick- and I had to check on IMDB but I figured out why I recognized the red head but couldn’t place her….in the role she had that was most memorable to me, Jaime Ray Newman who is joining Rebeca Romijn and Lindsay Price played Lt Cadman aka the chick who was stuck in Rodney’s head and had him kiss Carson on SGA. She was on the show at a later time on another episode where they even discussed their weird experience in passing. She was a blond on SGA explaining my niggling feeling she didn’t look quite right to me….