Michael Hurst to Direct more Legend of the Seeker & Spartacus

Sam Raimi and Rob Tappert are keeping their good friend Michael Hurst busy. Last season the Actor/Director appeared in Legend of the Seeker ep 13 REVENANT as Amfortas and also directed DENNA, SACRIFICE, and RECKONING.

It was posted today on Michael’s website that he has been signed up to direct several episodes this season for Legend starting with the so far unnamed episode 2×02. Michael will also be directing episode 1×05 of SPARTACUS: BLOOD AND SAND along with more episodes to come.

Back in February Craig Horner talked to TheTVADDICT about working with Hurst and here’s what he had to say:

What’s great about Michael is that he’s really theatrical on set and you can see, out of the corner of your eye behind the monitor him just jumping up and down and clapping his hands in the middle of takes. Michael is there every-step of the way and all he cares about are the performances, which is exactly what the show needs. It’s already get such amazing cinematographers and lighting, we just need a good director who makes something out of the scripts and the dialogue and I think that’s why his episodes are so successful, because of his great acting background.

The new season of LEGEND OF THE SEEKER begins filming this next month with new episodes to air in November. You can catch up on LEGEND on HULU.com or check LegendoftheSeeker.com for show times in your area. Thanks to Auslots for the news heads up!